
Many campuses are looking at ways to go beyond recycling
and this includes efforts to create programs that facilitate
product reuse and waste prevention. These websites provide
some examples of how waste reduction and reuse practices within colleges and universities can be encouraged.

Dump and Run

WHAT’S HOT: Cash from moving-day trash

Dump and Run is a non-profit organization that was formed to operate sales of unwanted products generated by student move-outs at the end of the academic year. The proceeds of these sales would then be donated to designated local non-profit organizations. The website provides information on how to bring a dump and run event to your campus as well as other ways students can contribute to these events.

WHAT’S HOT: Florida students exchange stuff on-line
This is a new site that is be developed for facilitating product reuse by Florida college and university students through an on-line exchange and other informational resources such as
listing of regional thrift shops.

University of Wisconsin SWAP Program

WHAT’S HOT: If you are in Madison, WI on a Friday, take a trip to SWAP. Everything in GRRN’s Madison office is from the SWAP Shop.

This website describes the operation of the University of Wisconsin (Madison) SWAP (Surplus With A Purpose) program which was developed in 1994. This program is open on Thursdays to all university departments and state offices in the Madison, WI region, and on Fridays to the general public, for such products as building materials, computers, lab equipment and furniture. There is an online inventory listing which shows what is currently
available for sale – you never know what you’ll find at SWAP.

Rice University

  • Waste Reduction
  • Reuse
    These sections of the Rice University Integrated Waste Management Services website describe the various programs that have been developed to increase product reuse and reduce waste. These include programs to promote use of reusable mugs, household furnishings loan program for graduate students and various green guides.University of Oregon – Reuse Exchange

    This section of the University of Oregon campus recycling website provides an overview of the various office supply and furniture exchanges that operate at the university. There are also links to other websites on campus-based and general materials exchanges.

    Arizona State University – Property Control

    Check out this site for an example of how surplus property can be managed. Awesome flash slideshows guide you through what you might need to do if you were at the University, but could be used as a model for own program.

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