Take Action

Econference 2001Link to campaigns and opportunities beyond your campus.

Campus recycling programs are great ways to educate students and the general public about waste minimization and resource conservation issues. Student activism plays an essential role in the evolution of campus recycling programs as well as on national and global environmental issues. Letter writing campaigns, petition drives, visibility events are powerful tools in creating a sustainable future while providing opportunities to educate the public. Today’s college students grew up recycling and are our world’s future leaders.


ecopledge.com is a national student organization using the power of students’ career decision making to influence the environmental practices of major U.S. corporations, like Pepsi, Dell Computer, Staples


A project of the Center for Environmental Citizen, Campus Green Vote provides training, resources, and networking for students wanting to make the most of environmental issues in election campaigns. Get info on training camps, job opportunities, regional contacts, and active campus chapters.

Free the Planet !

Free The Planet! developed from the student-led Free The Planet! campaign in 1995. That campaign was a response to the anti-environmental 104th Congress and the Contract with America and their efforts to weaken the Clean Air Act, Endangered Species Act, Clean Water Act, and other environmental safeguards. Free The Planet! continues to hold polluters and politicians accountable and ensure the protection of our planet.

University of Oregon Campus Recycling Program

Also, see UOr’s Network page

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